Saturday, October 1, 2016

The opposite paTh

I always try to do something which other ppl fear to do or they don't do. It's not always about gaining attention but I feel really satisfied after doing something which others wouldn't have. Most times I make a fool out of myself but still I do find it really interesting. There is a lot to learn from your own life.

Learning from other's lives are more interesting. But better balance it out.
In a crowd , when a majority says yes ~ say no! Even if u feel that you want to say yes. It's not about doing something funny. It's about knowing what it feels like when you choose a less chosen path.
It is really a wonderful feeling. Doing something which others haven't. Being the first one to do it. It always have been. When we stand out of the crowd that's the place we can breathe freely. That's the place where we can actually make changes.

It's not always about changing your life, it also involves the ppl around you and the ones with whom you can connect. :)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Being a freak!

When society is jealous of you because you stand out from rest of the crowd, they tend to call you a "freak".
It's nothing to be uncomfortable about, rather we should be proud of being called a "freak". Be it dance freak, fitness freak, sports freak, study freak or whatever they add a freak to, we should be damn sure to look them in the eye and say :D "Yes I am!"

It's Caz our society doesn't accept anything unusual,
It's Caz our society doesn't like someone extraordinary,
It's Caz our society doesn't deserve a superhero,
It's Caz our society is afraid,
Afraid of themselves being left out.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Short cut to self improvement

People say that you can gain knowledge from anywhere. I never did give a heed to it. But I then personally started gaining knowledge from all awkward kind of sources. I understood that in oder to become the better men you need to improve in everything. You can never stop Learning ...xD that is what it is ...

With my fucked up past, I often see a fucked up future. But I have been trying my best just to understand it all. Knowing and understanding are 2 different things ...xD

We often tend to seek help from people whom we think are wise. What are we doing? We are just slowing up the process of growing up!! You must have heard 😀
You yourself are the best person to give the best advice. If the advice seems not to work out worries! You just found a scope of improvement!! :D


We tend to develop a different personality for people around us to hide the real us. Everyone of us have gone through a time where we came ...